HP Dr. Drake
Summary Notes
L. Van Warren

Chapter 9
Protein Function
In Microcosm

1. Hemoglobin Function

A. Heme

B. Oxygen Binding

C. Carbon Dioxide Transport and the Bohr Effect

D. Effect of BPH on O2 Binding

2. Structure and Mechanism

A. Structure of Myoglobin

B. Structure of Hemoglobin

C. Mechanism of Oxygen-Binding Cooperativity

D. Testing the Perutz Mechanism

E. Origin of the Bohr Effect

F. Structural Basis of BPG Binding

G. Role of the Distal Histidine Residue

3. Abnormal Hemoglobins

A. Molecular Pathology of Hemoglobin

B. Molecular Basis of Sickle-Cell Anemia


4. Allosteric Regulation

A. The Adair Equation

B. The Symmetry Model

C. The Sequential Model

D. Hemoglobin Cooperativity